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Possible Resolution Topics - Detailed Guide

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1Possible Resolution Topics - Detailed Guide Empty Possible Resolution Topics - Detailed Guide September 14th 2009, 21:09



1. Israel’s Security Fence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Description: On July 8, 2009, the United Nations human rights arm said that five years after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that Israel’s building of a barrier in the occupied Palestinian territory was illegal, the situation has not improved. By a majority of 14 to 1, the judges of the ICJ found that the barrier’s construction breaches international law, for it violates principles outlined in the UN Charter and long-standing global conventions that prohibit the threat or use of force and the acquisition of territory that way, as well as principles upholding the right of people to self-determination. Even the UN General Assembly has already approved a non-binding resolution, sponsored by the European Union, demanding that Israel halt construction of the security barrier and remove what has already been built. Still, Israel does not seem to listen.

Major Actors: Israel, Palestine

Sites for Reference:

2. Illegal Settlements

Description: The illegal building of new homes and communities continue to occur across the West Bank and East Jerusalem, threatening fragile hopes of a two-state solution to the long-running conflict. It is common to witness top United Nations officials urging both Israel and the Palestinians to meet their obligations under the Road Map for peace in the Middle East. On July 27, 2009, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, Assistant-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, said during an open Security Council debate on the Middle East, that the international community was troubled by the recent approval of 20 new housing units in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem, as well as the issuing of eviction and demolition orders against Palestinian homes. Mr. Taranco also affirmed that in the last month demolition orders without permit were carried out against three Palestinian homes and a further 13 new orders were issued, and that 51 incidents in which 19 Palestinians were injured and a number of properties vandalized by settlers were reported.

Major Actors: Israel, Palestine Authority

Sites for Reference:

3. Arms Smuggling

Description: Preventing arms smuggling from Egypt, through the Gaza Strip, to Israel for terrorist activities is another pressing issue in the Middle East. In fact, France’s president, Sarkozy, has recently stated that what is urgent now to end the Israeli-Palestine conflict is to consolidate the current ceasefire, through humanitarian action, by totally stopping arms trafficking into Gaza, permanently reopening the crossing points, reconstruction and inter-Palestinian reconciliation. The background for this issue starts with the fact that the Gaza Strip has been home to smugglers for quite some time now. When the Israeli forces were replaced from the security of the Egyptian border by Palestinian Authority security forces, smuggling increased slightly. After the collapse of the Palestinian unity government and the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, arms smuggling spiked radically. While prior to Israel's disengagement approximately one ton of weapons was smuggled in each year, under Hamas' rule the figure has been closer to one hundred tons per year.

Major Actors: Egypt, Israel, Palestine Authority

Sites for Reference:

4. Gaza Crossings and Reconstruction

Description: The education of thousands of school students is being jeopardized by the ongoing blockade of crossings into the area of Gaza. The 18 schools that were completely destroyed and the 280 others that were damaged in the Israeli military offensive in December 2008 and January 2009 have not been rebuilt or rehabilitated because of restrictions placed on the movement of reconstruction materials and other supplies into Gaza. In September 2009, the top United Nations humanitarian official in the occupied Palestinian territory called for the immediate opening of Gaza’s crossings to allow the entry of spare parts and materials critical to restoring the area’s water and sanitation services. Israel’s closure of Gaza’s crossing points, imposed since June 2007, has meant that equipment and supplies needed for the construction, maintenance and operation of water and sanitation facilities have not been able to enter the area, leading to the deterioration of these services. Currently, some 10,000 people do not have access to the water network, while another 60 per cent of Gaza’s population of 1.5 million do not have continuous access to water.

Major Actors: Israel, Palestine Authority

Sites for Reference:

5. Golan Heights

Description: The dispute over this region between Syria and Israel as well as Lebanon’s claim over the Shebaa Farms, adjacent to the Golan Heights is another possible resolution topic. Syria supports Lebanon's claim to Shebaa Farms, although Israel, which maintains a troop presence there, says it is part of the Golan Heights seized from Syria in 1967. Apparently Syria is using the Hezbollah as an alternative force to engage Israel militarily, which Syria has been unwilling to do it directly. Recently the Security Council has extended for another six months the mandate of the United Nations’ force in the Golan Heights that has been tasked with supervising the disengagement accord between Syrian and Israeli forces after their 1973 war.

Major Actors: Syria, Lebanon Israel

Sites for Reference:

6. Containing the Widespread Sectarian Hatred in Iraq

Description: On June, 2009 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, condemning recent attacks in several Iraqi cities, called on people of the strife-torn nation to reject attempts to incite further violence. He also stated that Iraq has been benefiting from an improving security environment, and appeals to the people of Iraq to continue to reject these attempts to incite further violence in the country. Secretary-General’s Special Representative, Mr. Mistura, has said that these groups seek to incite violence between communities, “hoping for a return to the dark days of 2006,”. With the US’ gradual withdrawal of troops, Iraq prepares to take full responsibility for security in its cities and the Iraqi political leaders must work together towards achieving lasting peace through national dialogue and reconciliation. The UN, because of its vast experience, can aid Iraq in this transition ensuring that it runs smoothly and does not collapse.

Major Actors: Iraq

Sites for Reference:

7. Refugees – Kurds, Palestinian’s and Somalis

Description: Iranian Kurd refugees on the Iraqi-Jordanian border as well as the Palestinian refugees are pressing matters that must be resolved. Iraq currently hosts 40,000 refugees, most of whom are Palestinians, but also include Turkish Kurds and Iranian Kurds. The majority of them are sheltering in camps and settlements, with UNHCR providing protection and basic assistance while exploring longer-term solutions. Also, clashes in Somalia are forcing more refugees across the Gulf of Aden. Fleeing escalating violence in the capital, Mogadishu, and central Somalia, thousands of Somalis are making the perilous journey across the Gulf of Aden to begin new lives in Yemen. Last year, over 50,000 people reached Yemen’s shores, marking a 70 per cent increase from 2007. During the first half of 2009 alone, more than 30,000 people have made the “dangerous journey” to Yemen.

Major Actors: Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine Authority, Yemen

Sites for Reference:

8. Kuwait Reparations

Description: Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon held talks on July 21, 2009 with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Kamal al-Maliki that focused on the issue of his country’s reparations to Kuwait in the wake of Iraq’s 1990 invasion and subsequent occupation of its neighbor. Following the conflict in 1990-91, the reparations were imposed on Iraq by the Security Council under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Under a more recent resolution, Council members agreed to review those measures and others, and Mr. Ban’s report on the review process is expected to be issued shortly.

Major Actors: Kuwait, Iraq

Sites for Reference:

9. Terrorist Tracking

Description: U.S. officials have traveled to Saudi Arabia to work out details regarding establishment in Saudi Arabia of a joint U.S.-Saudi task force including officials from the U.S. Treasury Department and the FBI to track terrorist financing.

Major Actors: Saudi Arabia, US

Sites for Reference: PDF File

10. War in Yemen’s Northern Region

Description: Yemen's military has been battling Houthi fighters in the north since 2004. The National Committee for Dialogue has urged the government to seek non-military solutions to the conflict with Shia Houthi fighters in the mountainous province of Saada. However, Yemen's government has rejected proposals by the opposition for talks on ending conflict in the north.

Major Actors: Yemen

Sites for Reference:

11. Israel/ Palestine Conflict

Description: An ongoing dispute between Israel and the Palestinians. Many attempts were made to broker a two-state solution, which would create an independent Palestine alongside an independent Jewish state. The West Bank and Gaza Strip constitute the area of their future Palestine state, which is a view also accepted by most Israelis.

Major Actors: Israel, Palestine

Sites for Reference:[/color]

12. NPT

Description: Israel had not signed the NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty) with treats to limit the spread of nuclear weapons along with India, Pakistan and North Korea. The only difference is that the other nations have admitted to posses nuclear weapons while Israel has had a policy of opacity regarding its own nuclear weapons program.

Major Actors: Israel

Sites for Reference:

13. Muslim Brotherhood

Description: The Muslim Brotherhood is a transnational movement and the largest political opposition organization in many Arab states, particularly Egypt. The world's oldest and largest Islamic political group. The Brotherhood's goal is to instill the Qur'an and Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community and state” Since its inception in 1928 the movement has officially opposed violent means to achieve its goals.

Major Actors: Egypt, Syria, Iraq

Sites for Reference:

14. Water Issues

Description: Water has always been scarce in the Arab world, but growing populations place ever-increasing demands on the limited resources. Competing claims over water rights can lead to disputes between countries or between consumers.

Major Actors: Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Syria

Sites for Reference:

15. Fifteen-Week Battle

Description: the Al-Qaida-inspired Fatah al-Islam group which fought a 15-week battle with the Lebanese army in 2007 at a Palestinian refugee camp and last year, Hezbollah-led militants took over swathes of the capital in street clashes that left more than 100 people dead.

Major Actors: Lebanon, Palestine

Sites for Reference:

16. Iran’s elections

Description: The 2009 Iranian presidential election was held on 12 June 2009 in Iran. (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) won with 66% of the votes. Some analysts and journalists expressed doubts about the authenticity of the results along with many protests within the county.

Major Actors: Iran

Sites for Reference:

17. Iran’s Nuclear Program

Description: Iran's nuclear program has included several research sites, a uranium mine, a nuclear reactor, and uranium processing facilities that include a uranium enrichment plant. After Iran refused to suspend enrichment, as required by the UN Security Council Resolution 1737, the Council decided in March 2007 to widen the scope of the sanctions.

Major Actors: Iran

Sites for Reference:

18. Iraqi Refugees in Jordan and Syria

Description: There are around of half a million to a million Iraqi refugees in Jordan and 1.2 million 1.5 million in Syria. Most are unable to access their food rations and are often unemployed; they live in squalid conditions, have run out of resources and find it extremely difficult to access essential services.

Major Actors: Iraq, Jordan, Syria

Sites for Reference:

2Possible Resolution Topics - Detailed Guide Empty UAE topic missing September 24th 2009, 14:06



There isn't a topic for the UAE.

3Possible Resolution Topics - Detailed Guide Empty UAE Topic September 24th 2009, 18:28



Delegate of the UAE, a good topic could be the fact that Iran and UAE are having a dispute over three islands (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Mousa) located in the Persian Gulf, and this dispute can lead to a confrontation. Iran are currently occupying these islands, but the UAE claims sovereignty over them based on a 1971 Memorandum of Understanding. Further research could lead to a good resolution.

4Possible Resolution Topics - Detailed Guide Empty no topics for qatar September 25th 2009, 20:56



my partner and i have been looking for topics and we can`t find any relevant topics .

5Possible Resolution Topics - Detailed Guide Empty Qatar Topic September 26th 2009, 21:17



Qatar's deal is with two things:

1. "Possessing more than 15% of the world's proven gas reserves, Qatar has ambitions to become a global energy giant." - ENERGY, more specifically gas. Because of these gas reserves it is one of the richest countries in the region.

2. "The launch of 24-hour satellite TV news channel Al-Jazeera in late 1996 raised Qatar's international profile. The station claims an Arabic-speaking audience of 40million people." MEDIA, Al-Jazeera is known worldwide, it is extremely reliable and is owned by the Qatari government.

A resolution about media is pretty hard to write. Thus, I'd suggest researching about energy.

As you can see at the end of this article,

liquid natural gas is Qatar's golden mine and it plays a vital role in international politics. Research ideas such as the gas troika and see what you can come up with. Writing a resolution on this involves a lot of creativity. Look for past resolutions on energy solutions too.

Try this site:

I'd suggest some research on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). You've got the the whole issue on nuclear testing, which Qatar could play an important role in convincing countries like Israel and Iran, which have not ratified the treaty, to ratify it once and for all. Basically, they have signed it, but not ratified it. Remeber that signing means that a country is obliged to refrain, in good faith, from acts that would defeat the object and purpose of the treaty. Signature alone, however, does not impose on the country obligations under the treaty. This is a hot topic especially because it is being discussed in the UN right now as the third site in the following list shows. The first site shows Qatar's strong involvement, the second one is the official site with very detailed info and the fourth site is a good old Wikipedia overview.

Try sites like: (The Official Site)



Hey UAE delegation,

United Arab Emirates is a hard country to find a resolution on, one resolution specifically with your country as a major actor. You guys are oil-rich, capitalistic, possessing a good relationship with both the Arab and the Western world.

Usually, I would opt for a environmental-based resolution, a very neutral topic. However, given the fact that "the Worldwide Fund for Nature's Living Planet report ranked the United Arab Emirates (of which both Abu Dhabi and Dubai are member states) at the top of the list of carbon emissions, with an ecological footprint of 9.5 global hectares per person – exceeding the United States (number two, at 9.4 hectares) and Britain (5.3 hectares), and more than triple the global average of 2.7 hectares", I'd say that's not a good idea.

You've got the fact that Abu Dhabi and Dubai have emerged from obscurity to global prominence as the richest and fastest-growing cities in the world, respectively. Because this growth is mainly due to oil richness, one should be concerned about the future. What will be of the UAE when this oil is gone? Or even worse, when other sources of energy have replaced oil, a trend that is already becoming reality with nuclear energy and LNG becoming more popular?

The Syrian delegate also pointed out a good topic: the whole issue over the Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb. These islands are today administered by Iran as part of its province of Hormozgan, but are also claimed by UAE. They were seized by the Iranian marine on November 1971 and could be a good resolution topic. They've even got a Facebook community pro-Iran:

Huahua! Some good sites include:

Remember that you can also write resolutions on topics where your country is not a major actor. Nothing is stopping you from writing a resolution on the construction of the Israeli fence, for instance. A resolution on this topic, however, would have to reflect your country's position on this topic, which the UAE definitely has, and would have to suggest a creative and realist solution to this conflict. So, you can look at the list of suggested topics, research UAE's position on these issues, find one where the country has a strong stance, and elaborate a well-written resolution.

Good luck guys!

7Possible Resolution Topics - Detailed Guide Empty topic-qatar September 28th 2009, 15:40


The delegates of Qatar weren't able to go to the meeting today, but we would like to deal with the topic of Qatar possessing more then the 15% of the world's gas reserves. Is that okay?



Syria_Rafael wrote:Delegate of the UAE, a good topic could be the fact that Iran and UAE are having a dispute over three islands (Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Mousa) located in the Persian Gulf, and this dispute can lead to a confrontation. Iran are currently occupying these islands, but the UAE claims sovereignty over them based on a 1971 Memorandum of Understanding. Further research could lead to a good resolution.

My partner told me that it was about a company with little money. I'm sorry I didn't read it earlier.



It may be out of topic, but how do I insert an image in my profile Question



Qatar_Alexa wrote:The delegates of Qatar weren't able to go to the meeting today, but we would like to deal with the topic of Qatar possessing more then the 15% of the world's gas reserves. Is that okay?

Qatar delegation,

We definitely have to talk with you about your resolution topic. So far, from the message you've posted, you have no resolution topic but a simple fact regarding your economy.

Come and talk to me afterschool so that we can debate your topic.

Raphael Portela Chalhub farao



U.A.E_Nilo wrote:It may be out of topic, but how do I insert an image in my profile Question

Dear UAE delegate, the following information is from the Golden Rule section of the forum, so check it out for more information!

Beside being an earthly manifestation of the Hindu god Vishnu, an avatar is a small image which width cannot exceed 150 pixels, the height cannot exceed 200 pixels, and the file size cannot be higher than 64 KB.When you post, it appears next to your username and gives you a charismatic aura. To have one, you first need to find a relativally small image on the internet. Your image shouldrelate directly to your country, such as a flag or a political leader. Any unappropriate image will be deleted as soon as it is found. Once you saved your image on your computer, click on Profile, and then on Avatar. Click on Enviar Arquivo to find the image, and then click on save.

Delegate, I am not sure about the 150 and 200 pixel limit for it, since a few of our delegates have more than that, but all of the information there is enough to help the delegate of UAE to get a great avatar! Smile

The limit of 150 and 200 pixels is arbitrary, you can have a bigger picture. I just restricted the size so delegates don't put demesurate pictures for avatar Razz



the delegation of qatar would like to thank the chair for helping us out in our Shocked question of decision.


the delegation of qatar would like to thank the chair for helping us out in our Shocked question of decision. 2



No prob, delegation of Qatar. Very Happy Now I want to see an awesome resolution! Let's get some serious research done. Any further help, don't hesitate. Talk to Eden. Huahuahua!

Raphael Portela Chalhub farao

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