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Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program

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1Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 28th 2009, 19:33



What's up? My name is Thales Daniel and I represent Iraq. This is my first MUN but I'm pretty confident.

Iraqi president Jalal Talabani congratulated Iran's leader Ahmadinejad on reelections;Conjointly, Iraqi leaders state nuclear bombs are against Islam, therefore there would be no reason for Iran to develop them. The Iraqi military will not allow aircraft to cross its county's airspace if the goal is to strike Iran's nuclear power plants. Talabani suggests thorough negotiation with Iran as opposed to sanctions. Read more on your own here:

.I hope this was useful or at least informative.
See you all next time. Until then, thanks for the attention.

2Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 28th 2009, 19:37



U.A.E is in favor of Iran economically, but against its nuclear programs and we also intercepted an illegal weapons cargo from N. Korea to Iran.

3Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 28th 2009, 19:47



U.A.E_Nilo wrote:U.A.E is in favor of Iran economically, but against its nuclear programs and we also intercepted an illegal weapons cargo from N. Korea to Iran.

Hey Nilo,

I remember reading somewhere that the western powers are worried about what strategy works best to stop Iran and what works for North Korea. Check it out if you're interested.

4Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 28th 2009, 21:25



Iran just tested its nuclears nukes near a place they are enriching uranium, so do you still really think they wouldnt do that thales??

5Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 28th 2009, 21:30



Israel_Roberta wrote:Iran just tested its nuclears nukes near a place they are enriching uranium, so do you still really think they wouldnt do that thales??

I'm not taking sides. Its just I'm Iraq. Probably, Iran wants attention. Good luck with the debate.

6Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty the reason for sanctions September 28th 2009, 22:01



Security Council Resolutions 1737 and 1696 are only imposing sanctions in the country of Iran for they have further intentions towards its nuclear energy program, instead of what has been stated by the Iranian president Ahmadinejad during the last year, which is that Iran is enriching uranium and building plutonium-producing reactors for peaceful purposes which are being done for the electricity generation, when it has enough enriched uranium to produce a nuclear bomb. Resolution 1696 gave Iran one month to halt its enrichment of uranium and all other research and development of nuclear activity, which Iran failed to follow, which subsequently stated that sanctions were to be imposed until it stopped its nuclear program, which it hasn't. Just this afternoon Iran tested a Shahab-3 missile which can reach a total distance of 1,250 miles, which is exactly 179.21 miles over the distance from Iran to Israel, making these missile tests dangerous when considering that the Iranian president Ahmadinejad has already stated that Israel should be "blown off the map". Thats why these sanctions are needed, to try to put an end to this nuclear program for it is considered a threat to all of non-Arab countries of the world.

7Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 28th 2009, 22:19




About Iran and the sanctions that have been imposed in the country, check the article link I posted previously in another topic which talks about the effectiveness of sanctions in general and analyzes Iran's case. Remember this article is a point of view, so there are other sides to the same story. MUN is all about ambiguity, point of view and omission of truths.

Raphael Portela Chalhub farao

8Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 08:20



Israel_ale wrote:Security Council Resolutions 1737 and 1696 are only imposing sanctions in the country of Iran for they have further intentions towards its nuclear energy program, instead of what has been stated by the Iranian president Ahmadinejad during the last year, which is that Iran is enriching uranium and building plutonium-producing reactors for peaceful purposes which are being done for the electricity generation, when it has enough enriched uranium to produce a nuclear bomb. Resolution 1696 gave Iran one month to halt its enrichment of uranium and all other research and development of nuclear activity, which Iran failed to follow, which subsequently stated that sanctions were to be imposed until it stopped its nuclear program, which it hasn't. Just this afternoon Iran tested a Shahab-3 missile which can reach a total distance of 1,250 miles, which is exactly 179.21 miles over the distance from Iran to Israel, making these missile tests dangerous when considering that the Iranian president Ahmadinejad has already stated that Israel should be "blown off the map". Thats why these sanctions are needed, to try to put an end to this nuclear program for it is considered a threat to all of non-Arab countries of the world.

As you brought up, resolutions and sanctions are not working against Iran because Iran gets more attention by continuing the nuclear program. People argue that Iran will produce weapons because it refused the American offer in 1976 to buy complete nuclear energy reactors. They did this because they produced 6 million barrels a day and thought they could finance their own program.Today it has to buy natural fuel of caspian origin(its production dropped to about 3.4 barrels a day), which is a lot cheaper and closer to its Northern refineries, which are not equipped for weapon production.
The reason for Iran's threat is a simple threat from Israel: Israel threatening to strike Iran's power plants.

This is absolutely possible as Israel blew Iraq's only nuclear reactor off the face of the earth in 1981.

9Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 08:26



Iran isnt using the nuclear program to draw attention!! its basically preparing itself in order to attack neighboring countries, such as Israel!! Israel would only attack Irans nuclear base if it knew that it was a secutiry threat against Israel. so...
1. it cant have over 5% of enriched uranium, which they do
2. it can reach israel
3. it can reach USA´s military base in the region
4. it have enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear bomb!

10Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 10:50



The U.A.E has a deal with the USA and France that if any country attacks us, they will protect us. We are also helping Iran grow economically, so there is no problem for us about that.

11Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 12:42



I cannot argue about Iran being able to attack, but I have no way to predict whether it will or not. It shouldn't attack, but like I said, I don't know.

12Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty not true September 29th 2009, 15:09


Israel_Roberta wrote:Iran just tested its nuclears nukes near a place they are enriching uranium, so do you still really think they wouldnt do that thales??

iran did test a warhead but it was not nuclear my source was aljazzera website which is the news for the middle east

p.s. there are no such thing as nuclears nukes

13Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 19:09



u.a.e_muhammad wrote:
Israel_Roberta wrote:Iran just tested its nuclears nukes near a place they are enriching uranium, so do you still really think they wouldnt do that thales??

iran did test a warhead but it was not nuclear my source was aljazzera website which is the news for the middle east

p.s. there are no such thing as nuclears nukes

Man, Iran's population does not support the development of nuclear weaponry. My source is my friend from Iran.

14Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 19:13



sorry, i ment missels ahhahaha...

they tested their missels and they succed. their missels were tested near a place they enrich uranium, nad their missels could be able to achieve Israel. Israel feels threatened with this: an enemy country enriching uranium, testing their missels that could hit us, what would we do?? Iran is a threat!!

15Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 19:19



Israel_Roberta wrote:sorry, i ment missels ahhahaha...

they tested their missels and they succed. their missels were tested near a place they enrich uranium, nad their missels could be able to achieve Israel. Israel feels threatened with this: an enemy country enriching uranium, testing their missels that could hit us, what would we do?? Iran is a threat!!

Yeah but Israel is also able to strike Iran like it did with Iraq's first and only nuclear reactor program in 1981. Iraq feels it should defend Iran.

Don't forget Iran does not have as much firepower as it seems to have. Remember it faked a video of missiles being launched.

16Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 19:38



it doesnt matter how much they actually have, they have ENOUGH! they have too much,
Israel only attacked Iraq because of the nuclear reactor, because its illegal by international law to have one.
Iran has enough power to attack Israel and cause a lot of damage!

17Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 20:53



Israel_ale wrote:it doesnt matter how much they actually have, they have ENOUGH! they have too much,
Israel only attacked Iraq because of the nuclear reactor, because its illegal by international law to have one.
Iran has enough power to attack Israel and cause a lot of damage!

Do you know that Israel declared that it launch an air strike on Iranian Nuclear Prower Plants if it ever got to the point of making a nuclear bomb?

18Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 29th 2009, 21:19



IRAN shouldnt be able to even get near of creating a nuclear bomb in the first place!

19Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty why September 30th 2009, 09:00


Israel_ale wrote:IRAN shouldnt be able to even get near of creating a nuclear bomb in the first place!

what gives israel the right to have nuclear weapons then

20Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 30th 2009, 14:09



u.a.e_muhammad wrote:
Israel_ale wrote:IRAN shouldnt be able to even get near of creating a nuclear bomb in the first place!

what gives israel the right to have nuclear weapons then

As the delegate of Iran has said, any country should have the right to make their own nuclear bombs. Let's keep in mind that Israel has not signed the NPT and still possibly has nuclear bombs. So, delegate of Israel, are you stating that a country shouldn't have the right to make nuclear bombs even though others can?

21Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 30th 2009, 14:18



Syria_Rafael wrote:
u.a.e_muhammad wrote:
Israel_ale wrote:IRAN shouldnt be able to even get near of creating a nuclear bomb in the first place!

what gives israel the right to have nuclear weapons then

As the delegate of Iran has said, any country should have the right to make their own nuclear bombs. Let's keep in mind that Israel has not signed the NPT and still possibly has nuclear bombs. So, delegate of Israel, are you stating that a country shouldn't have the right to make nuclear bombs even though others can?

Israel does not have nuclear weapons as U.A.E delegate and Syrian delegate have stated, all of the statements that Israel does, are false. Israel has no need in using such weapons, although it has been threatened since its creation in 1948.
Israel hasnt signed the NPT, there fore it doesnt have to follow its principals, even so it does. No countries should be able to produce nuclear bombs, for any reason, look at Israel, its been threatened numerous times, and it doesnt have nuclear bombs. Iran has signed the NPT which secures that only the Security Council members are entitled to create nuclear weapons, and Iran is not part of the Security Council.

22Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 30th 2009, 14:22



Syria_Rafael wrote:
u.a.e_muhammad wrote:
Israel_ale wrote:IRAN shouldnt be able to even get near of creating a nuclear bomb in the first place!

what gives israel the right to have nuclear weapons then

As the delegate of Iran has said, any country should have the right to make their own nuclear bombs. Let's keep in mind that Israel has not signed the NPT and still possibly has nuclear bombs. So, delegate of Israel, are you stating that a country shouldn't have the right to make nuclear bombs even though others can?

Delegate to reforce the point Israel has nuclear bombs and other destructive bombs but as the delegate of Israel is saying if Iran doesn't have the right to make bombs so Israel doesnt have the right to make bombs, both countries have the same rights of making something if Israel can do it Iran can do it too, not only because Iran supports the Hamas that they cant make bombs! Israel supports lots of fanatics too and some fanatics are inside of israel, there were lots of acts that a israeli fanatic would suddely freak out and kill 20 or more people that,Israel has no right because if their president freaks out like other citizens as he has nuclear bombs he can threaten all the Arab countries that will make them superior that why some of the Arabs countries need to develop their nuclear power. Mad
P.S: the act that israel didnt signed the npt shows that they are hiding something that the world cant know about!

23Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 30th 2009, 14:28



Israel_ale wrote:
Syria_Rafael wrote:
u.a.e_muhammad wrote:
Israel_ale wrote:IRAN shouldnt be able to even get near of creating a nuclear bomb in the first place!

what gives israel the right to have nuclear weapons then

As the delegate of Iran has said, any country should have the right to make their own nuclear bombs. Let's keep in mind that Israel has not signed the NPT and still possibly has nuclear bombs. So, delegate of Israel, are you stating that a country shouldn't have the right to make nuclear bombs even though others can?

Israel does not have nuclear weapons as U.A.E delegate and Syrian delegate have stated, all of the statements that Israel does, are false. Israel has no need in using such weapons, although it has been threatened since its creation in 1948.
Israel hasnt signed the NPT, there fore it doesnt have to follow its principals, even so it does. No countries should be able to produce nuclear bombs, for any reason, look at Israel, its been threatened numerous times, and it doesnt have nuclear bombs. Iran has signed the NPT which secures that only the Security Council members are entitled to create nuclear weapons, and Iran is not part of the Security Council.

Delegate of Israel, how can it be proven that Israel has or doesn't have nuclear weapons / bombs? Investigations have been done, and even if it can't quite be proven, it seems obvious that Israel has nuclear bombs. Israel's possession of nuclear weapons is currently a mistery. Iran has signed the NPT, but that doesn't mean that Iran can't use nuclear energy, since that will develop their economy and tecnology. Israel by not signing the NPT is automatically hiding from the U.N., so why should Iran not develop publically their nuclear technology/energy. Israel stating that Iran can't produce nuclear energy is hypocrisy, since Israel doesn't allow their nuclear productions to be investigated. As soon as Israel allows their nuclear productions to be investigated, then they can have a little saying in Iran's nuclear productions, while they don't allow, they can't say a single thing about nuclear productions.

24Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 30th 2009, 14:31



Israel_ale wrote:IRAN shouldnt be able to even get near of creating a nuclear bomb in the first place!

1.Iraq's nuclear reactor was liscenced and being built by France.
2. It was not completed
3. It was not supplied with fuel.
4. Israeli authorties said they were afraid of getting destroyed(by a reactor with 70 megawatt max output????)

Conclusion: The reactor 70 miles south of Baghdad was bombed for no reason.

Last edited by Iraq_T.Daniel on September 30th 2009, 17:35; edited 1 time in total

25Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program Empty Re: Iraq Supporting Iran's Nuclear Program September 30th 2009, 14:35



[/quote]Delegate of Israel, how can it be proven that Israel has or doesn't have nuclear weapons / bombs? Investigations have been done, and even if it can't quite be proven, it seems obvious that Israel has nuclear bombs. Israel's possession of nuclear weapons is currently a mistery. Iran has signed the NPT, but that doesn't mean that Iran can't use nuclear energy, since that will develop their economy and tecnology. Israel by not signing the NPT is automatically hiding from the U.N., so why should Iran not develop publically their nuclear technology/energy. Israel stating that Iran can't produce nuclear energy is hypocrisy, since Israel doesn't allow their nuclear productions to be investigated. As soon as Israel allows their nuclear productions to be investigated, then they can have a little saying in Iran's nuclear productions, while they don't allow, they can't say a single thing about nuclear productions.[/quote]

Exactly, if Israel has been involved in several conflicts and hasn't gone through full investigation, how can it complain about Iran's nuclear program?

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