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Economic Sanctions

South Korea_Alana
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26Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty Re: Economic Sanctions November 11th 2009, 19:50


Delegate of Pakistan would like to second the question of delegate of Myanmar Thais- "do the delegates really believe that sanctions are a good way to push a country to commit a change?" Delegate of Pakistan find sanctions a very terrible way of punishing a country for mistakes.
Now delegates, in the other hand, sanctions should not be prohibited, the country who is sanctioning another country need to have extremely detailed facts or information of why that country should be punished to be able to apply them(sanctions).
Delegate of Pakistan Diego Hernandez

27Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty Re: Economic Sanctions November 11th 2009, 21:23



You can check the information about sanctions in the following site:
"In order to prevent an aggravation of the situation, the Security Council may, before making the recommendations or deciding upon the measures provided for in Article 39, call upon the parties concerned to comply with such provisional measures as it deems necessary or desirable. Such provisional measures shall be without prejudice to the rights, claims, or position of the parties concerned. The Security Council shall duly take account of failure to comply with such provisional measures."
Than, why are so many countries imposing sanctions in Myanmar to change their government when it's government should be decided by their citizens in the elections that will take place in 2010 and in chapter VII article 40 states that the security council cannot take measures to change a country's government, therefore sanctions should not be allowed in Myanmar?

28Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty Re: Economic Sanctions November 12th 2009, 08:57



The delegate of North Korea would like to say that although the reasons for wanting economic sanctions in both of our countries removed, our goals in the end are extremely similar. We should take advantage of this in joining together so as to strengthen the cause of both of our countries.

29Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty Re: Economic Sanctions November 15th 2009, 23:06

South Korea_Alana

South Korea_Alana

the reason for sanctions being applied in both nations are COMPLETLY differnte delegate of NK. NK lost all the international credibility and respect it had, and Myammar didn't.... That makes Myam,mar achieve its "dream" of being free from sancitions much closer than NK...

30Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty Re: Economic Sanctions November 16th 2009, 09:41



Delegate of South Korea,

As the Delegate of North Korea has previously stated, although our want for economic sanctions being removed are different, and the reasons for them being imposed are different, teh Goals between North Korea and Myanmar are extremely similar.

The Delegate of North Korea NEVER stated that the reasons for sanctions are different. Delegate, please get your statements straight.

On another point, the Delegation would like to know how North Korea has lost all of its international credibility when it has warned of nuclear tests and while North Korea is still supported by Pakistan, Russia, China, and Venezuela? In the opinion of North Korea, it seems as though the supporters of South Korea seem outnmubered by the supporters of North Korea.

North Korean Delegate,
Tyler Simpson

31Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty ~ November 16th 2009, 18:06


Delegate of North Korea,can you define for the Afghan delegation what do you mean when you say "support"?Because you stated that China and Russia supports your nation,in what ways does this nations support your country?Since they both agreed on passing security council resolutions which imposed sanctions in your country!

32Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty Re: Economic Sanctions November 16th 2009, 18:18



Afghani Delegation,

The North Korean Delegation would be happy to clarify. When the Delegate says that China and Russia support North Korea, the Delegate infers (means without saying) that politically, militarily, and economically these countries assist North Korea.

Although both countries agreed on passing economic santions for the better of North Korea's people, that does not make them North Korea's enemies. On the contrary, it would seem as though they were looking out for North Korea. Both countries remain communist states which puts them against most Western countries to start. Wouldn't the Delegate agree?

North Korean Delegate,
Tyler Simpson

33Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty ~ November 16th 2009, 18:34


For the better of the North Korea's people?? supporting such a resolution the nations clearly see North Korea as a threat!Both countries remain communist states which puts them against most western countries to start?First of all, Russia is not a communist state, it is a Federal Semi-Presidential Republic, and second of all, United States and the European Union are one of China's largest trading partners!Clearly showing how China is not "against" western countries.So no,the Afghan delegate will have to disagree with the North Korean delegate on this one.

34Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty Re: Economic Sanctions November 16th 2009, 20:47



Afghani Delegation,

The sanctions imposed on North Korea were economic sanctions placed after North Korea's nuclear test and due to the famine and poor conditions some of North Korea's citizens faced. The sanctions were not imposed because North Korea was a threat!

Unfortunately, Delegate, economics and politics are two different topics. Economically China and the U.S. get along, but polictially, well thats a slightly different story.

The North Korean Delegation is sorry to hear that the Afghani Delegation is not in favor of North Korea. However, at this time, North Korea finds it very hard to consider Afghanistan a necessary support. Especially considering the state Afghanistan is currently in today.

North Korean Delegate,
Tyler Simpson

35Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty ~ November 16th 2009, 20:56


Haha,delegate,its not with the Afghanistan delegation that you have to worry about in getting support ,its with the majority of the Asian caucus, and by the way, the delegate was just pointing out some facts that should have been said, the delegate is indeed in favor of removing economic sanctions in Myanmar, but it is not in favor of your resolution. The Afghan delegation would just like to state that it will do everything in its reach to achieve its objectives, and it would like to state that it wont state any more information, because the delegate would like to save it for the real debate. Oh, and just something that came up to the delegates mind right now, you said that they imposed sanctions because of nuclear testing, and not because they were a threat. Delegate, the Afghan delegation tends to agree that nuclear testing does make them a threat! And you also stated about Afghanistan's current situation, the delegate would like to state that North Korea just isnt the nation to say something like that,looking at ITS current situation.But well....enough said

See you soon,
Afghan delegation

36Economic Sanctions - Page 2 Empty Re: Economic Sanctions November 17th 2009, 14:22



Afghani Delegation,

First of all it is understood by the North Korean Delegation that it must gain support from the Asian Caucus. However, that is not a primary concern for the Delegation at this time.

Another thing Delegate, there is a place and a time to discuss North Korea's resolutions and the Economic sanctions under Myanmar is not the place. There is indeed a topic for the specific resolution Afghanistan wishes to comment on.

Just how is it possible that because of two nuclear weapons tests, a country can be deemed as a threat by the majority of the international community?

One last thing Delegate, how is North Korea not in a position to say that about Afghanistan when North Korea is slightly better off than Afghanistan in terms of a functional government?!?

North Korean Delegate,
Tyler Simpson

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