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SalMUN 2009

This forum is a lobbying place for MUN delegates to get prepared for the actual SalMUN 2009 Conference in Bahia!

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ABM system

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1ABM system Empty ABM system October 16th 2009, 11:04



Guys and girls...

This year we can finaly make the anti-missle defense system interesting...
as most of you probably know, in the UN missle shiled were discussed, and acording to lucas (USA) the decision was that US takes their anti-missle defenses out of Europe. Now we want to discuss reimplementing them, but this time Russia will ask for the money, to garantee that USA does not have another reason to try and control Europe...

Any Questions or Comments, I'm Here.

Last edited by RussiaSC_Jaap on November 17th 2009, 08:37; edited 1 time in total

2ABM system Empty Agreed October 16th 2009, 18:13



The delegate of NK agrees with the idea of the Russian delegation and is saddened by how the USA has demonstrated shameful overcontrol over brother nations. The construction of the missile shield will benefit nations that could be threatened by one of USAs recurrent "attacks" resulting in another war...

3ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 16th 2009, 19:33



The delegate of the United States feels offended by the delegate of North Korea's statements. The United States agreed to remove the missile shield from European nations because of the "overcontrol" and "oppression" issues. However, now the Russian Federation is trying to come up with a peaceful and agreeable method to develop the missile shield system in the world and the delegate of North Korea launches a verbal offense upon the United States.

And for further information on the missile shield, here's an interesting article:

Last edited by USA_Lucas on October 16th 2009, 19:36; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wrong site XD)

4ABM system Empty ? October 18th 2009, 17:46



Again the delegate of USA seems to evade the essence of debate with excuses...

5ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 18th 2009, 18:04



Again the delegate of North Korea seems to evade the essence of the debate with insults...

6ABM system Empty ... October 18th 2009, 18:08



Different from the delegation of USA my post regarding the construction of the missile shields was purposeful as it demonstrated my clear cooperation over the topic and position. In the other hand your delegation simply excluded my countries opinion by diqualifying my argument with no factual evidence!

7ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 18th 2009, 18:12



The delegate of the United States is sharing a position with the Russian Federation! It does not make sense to the delegate why the North Korean delegate keeps verbally assaulting the United States about overcontrol and oppression when it has shelved the missile shields and is now willing to work out a deal with Russia for a new missile shield system.

"Recurrent attacks" - this sounds very ironic, coming from a delegate whose dictator once threatened to strike three other countries. It is because of nations like yours that the world requires an effective missile defense system.

8ABM system Empty LOL October 18th 2009, 19:14



If the delegate of USA actually intends to donate the money and technology required for such system knowing that it will not in any way suffer the intervention of your nation than, yes, my attacks were "out of order". But that is very unlikely...

Ironic, delegate, is that your nation has participated in the destruction of over 15 other states in the past fifty years and yet considers yourself to be the "savior of the world"!

9ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 18th 2009, 19:53



NKorea_PauloC wrote:If the delegate of USA actually intends to donate the money and technology required for such system knowing that it will not in any way suffer the intervention of your nation than, yes, my attacks were "out of order".

That is the very essence of the Russian Federation's resolution. The delegate of the United States believes that in today's world, it is of utter importance to create defenses and assure the security of nations.... precisely because your country keeps threatening to bomb and destroy all.

The United States in no way considers itself the "savior of the world," nor did it ever say that. However, there are some things that cannot be tolerated, and those are threats of missiles and nuclear weapons flying around and hitting other countries.

10ABM system Empty To be continued.... October 19th 2009, 19:13



Again your nation revokes to the principle that my peaceful country might someday decide to engage in a nuclear holocaust! Delegate, my country has in no way threatened any nation other than yourself but it wastn't after severe instigation. For long your country has shown an intolerable sence of hegemony and overpowering which simply left our "dear leader" with no other choice!

Delegate, you are fully aware that your country, "out of record", considers itself as not only the savior but the "king" of the world. Again delegate you surprise me, the only nation that has ever used a nuclear weapon was yours! In an action that is considered until today as a "evident show of power"!

11ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 19th 2009, 19:24



Delegate, what the United States presents is not speculation. Your leader, in person, threatened to bomb the United States, South Korea, and Japan. The world cannot take such threats lightly, because every type of threat or ultimatum that was taken lightly resulted into something far worsre. Take, for example, World War I. Austria-Hungary presented to Serbia an ultimatum for them to investigate the murder of archduke Franz Ferdinand, in the Bosnian city of Sarajevo. When they did not comply with the ultimatum, World War I happened, and the death of millions of soldiers. We need to learn from our mistakes and move on to prevent others like those from happening again.

12ABM system Empty Are you me? October 19th 2009, 20:26



Delegate I think you have just argumented on the wrong side! You are the one handling an ultimatum and trying your supremacy over the international community. We, as citizens of North Korea, simply want to survive and live with dignity which will only be possible once your communist hunt is shut down!

13ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 19th 2009, 21:00



ULTIMATUM? What ultimatum? North Korea is the one who is menacing the entire world, the one who threatened to bomb us!

Communist hunt? The delegate of North Korea seems to be arguing as if you were stuck in time, during McCarthyism! After the Korean war, the United States has not engaged in communist hunts. Its policies against foreign governments are now only in the case of oppression, as was the case of Iraq.

14ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 20th 2009, 09:45



Paulo, this will be good for you
Lucas, for you not as much...
I found some articles that show how the first and only ABM ever to hit a target, or in other words, work, was Russian. Basicaly the technology of Russia is good enough to be able to work... better then any other. ABM system Icon_twisted This is going to help my resolution a lot, and maybe you guys can stop changing the topic, we are talking about ABM, not about whos right or wrong in this topic.

15ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 20th 2009, 09:48



Please guys, I made this topic to discuss my resolution, and not to talk about the conflicts of your country. I know that you guys are 'pumped up' for this MUN but please discuss the topic represented, you two are the ones who will mostly have things to say...
I want to prepare for this MUN, so tell me flaws or pointers on the topic.

16ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 20th 2009, 10:05



Getting back on topic,
USA wanted to impliment these ABM's because of Russia, N Korea and Iran. But why are we going to allow USA yet another reason for them to try and control other nations? Basically what i am proposing is to have Russia Create these same plans, but in this way, the largest Country, of both Europe, and the world, will be in control of these 'Shields'. I hope that N. Korea will help Russia in this topic, for it is for the better for all. I believe that USA has no reason that overpowers reasons for Russia to have these shields implimented, for if they were to veto this resolution, it would mean that they don't want other countries to have a power of protection, not only a country, bu the whole nation would be helped by this Resolution.

17ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 20th 2009, 13:32



"Moscow ABM system
The first real and successful ABM hit-to-kill
test was conducted by the Soviet PVO forces on March 1st, 1961. An experimental V-1000 missile launched from the Sary-Shagan test range, destroyed a dummy warhead released by a ABM launched from the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome. The dummy warhead was destroyed by the impact of 18 thousand tungsten-carbide spherical impactors140 seconds after launch, at an altitude of 25 km."
Here is some proof that we have the techonology.

18ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 20th 2009, 20:21



Let's talk simple here.

USA wanted to impliment these ABM's because of Russia, N Korea and Iran. But why are we going to allow USA yet another reason for them to try and control other nations? Basically what i am proposing is to have Russia Create these same plans, but in this way, the largest Country, of both Europe, and the world, will be in control of these 'Shields'. I hope that N. Korea will help Russia in this topic, for it is for the better for all


19ABM system Empty ok October 20th 2009, 20:56



The delegation of North Korea currently supports the "question of" of the Russian delegation though observations on the resolution are still required.

The delegate is optimistic that Russia has developed a technology capable of overgoing that of USA and helping us on riding its negative influence over the international community.

Though we have the technology, USA should still have to donate the money for the construction of such, as a way to retribute for its past atrocities...

20ABM system Empty Re: ABM system October 21st 2009, 13:49



Establishing a protocol for Anti-Ballistic Missiles in Europe, without United States' control.

Since USA wanted influence in the project, with this question of they can help, by giving Russia money, and also N. Korean will be happy, for having the states pay... lets see what happens when the resolution is done.

21ABM system Empty Re: ABM system November 12th 2009, 22:24



Please, for the love of whomever is holy to your country, post on this topic,
we are making it seem as though this topic is not important, being that it
is about the most important subject there ever has been, life and death.
the Safety of our people and that of all other nations...

22ABM system Empty ... November 12th 2009, 22:28



It seems that USA, once out of hegemonical arguments, has departed from the debate... The delegate of North Korea agrees that this resolution is essential for the security of the European continent and for this reason backs this resolution.

23ABM system Empty Re: ABM system November 12th 2009, 22:31



The delegate of Russia find this a wise decision, for two reasons, one being the current relations between NK and the USA, knowing that this ABM system would be helping both nations against any outcome or struggle between them. and again being the second reason a basic defense that would come from any nations attempt of a missile strike.


24ABM system Empty Re: ABM system November 15th 2009, 19:10



The United States is not willing to see the entirety of Europe under a Russian missile shield-related influence. To the United States's eyes, it is repeating what happened during the Soviet Union, where Eastern Europe was basically one nation.

However, the United States also believes that defense and security is of vital importance, especially at such a troubled time where the number of missiles is escalating.

So, the United States is willing to accept this resolution IF the resolution includes certain aspects that will give the United States some control or monitoring over the missile shields. After all, the United States also had some successes in testing the missile shield.

<OFF> sorry for the delay. I forgot to check this topic.

25ABM system Empty Re: ABM system November 16th 2009, 08:58



The Russian delegate is glad to hear that USA will be accepting its resolution, and once again likes to remind USA that Europe will not be like one nation again, the only treaty or pact that makes certain countries act like a single nation, are pacts like that of NATO... all are acting against the oposition of USA... therefore it seems that the Russian plan is perfect, it will help all nations of Europe.

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