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Golan Heights dispute

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26Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute October 29th 2009, 23:19



Dearest delegate of Israel, again you have failed to understand the point made by Iran. In order to make matters simple, here is an image that might help you figure out what I was trying to say, since you seem unable to comprehend solely with words:

Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Israel-palestine%20map

What Israel proposed in the 2000 Camp David Summit was to give back 97% of the CURRENT occuppied territories to the Palestinians, can you see now why Yasser Arafat "walked away" from this proposal? The Palestinians want the territories that you have invaded in 1948 and then again in 1967, not how it is now! For the love of Alah, it's like you are suggesting to give back a slice of a cake when they are entitled to the entire plate. Have some common sense.

Regardless, you are wrong to say that the Israeli troops withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005 when actually it was not a full withdrawal, and this was precisely why the Quartet's Roadmap for Peace didn't work: because Israel failed to adhere to the simple task of stepping away from the borders of the ilegally occuppied territories. In fact, Israel continued to maintain complete control over the air and sea space of the Gaza Strip, the population registry, the movement of people and goods between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, which Israel considers a “closed military area” off limits to anyone without a permit, and the three crossing points in and out of Gaza (Karni, Sufa, and Kerem Shalom). Does that in any way seem like "giving back Gaza Strip, West Bank and East Jerusalem as was assigned in resolution 181 in 1947"? Yes, I didn't think so.

Moreover, if 51% of Israelis support a continuing cease-fire with Hamas, why on the heck did your government reject an extension of a six-month cease-fire agreement with the Hamas in December, just days before invading the Gaza Strip, killing 1,200 Palestinian civilians and bombarding every speck of a city in the area? Again, delegate, if more than half of your population is in favor of negotiations with the Hamas, why hasn't your government ever proposed to do so?

The delegation of Iran is very much aware of the historical background regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, no need citing such information. None of what you said, however, came close to justifying that there is no such a thing as the Palestinian genocide. I would like to read a better explanation.

Look here, if you can prove an instance in which the Israeli government has proposed to give back Gaza Strip, West Bank and Gaza Strip previous to the 1967 Six-day War invasion, we then might agree something. Unfortunately, this can't be done because there never was such an instance. What a pity... we might have actually reached a turning point here... maybe next time.

Delegate of Syria, I was referring to this: "Israeli soldiers will be able to patrol Syria's actions in the Golan Heights territory so no military actions will be made."

See you soon,
Delegation of Iran

27Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute October 30th 2009, 20:10



Since the delegates do not want a history lesson, how about learning by seeing. Visual learning is easier. Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Icon_wink

Sep 22, 1968 - Palestinian terrorists booby trapped a car. The car exploded in the shopping market Mahen Yehuda in Jerusalem, killing 12 people and wounding 70.

Jun 17, 1969 - Shirley Louise Anderson, a 25 year -old tourist from Rochester, New York, was killed when PLO shelled the Israeli resort town of Kallia

Dec 27, 1969 - Leon Holz, 48, a tourrist from Brooklyn, New York was killed when PLO terrorists fired shots at a tourist bus near Hebron

Feb 21, 1970 - Barbara Ertle, of Grandville, Michigan, wife of Reverend Theodore Ertl, was killed during a PLO terrorist shooting attack on a busload of pilgrims in the village of Halhoul, near Hebron

May 22, 1970- Palestinian terrorists attacked a school bus at the Mosha Avivim in the Upper Galilee. 9 children, the driver and 2 other adults are killed, and 19 children are wounded.

Jan 22, 1971 - Palestinian terrorists attacked an Israeli family in the Gaza Strip, killing 2 children and wounding the mother.

Jul 07, 1971 - Palestinian terrorists launched Katushya rockets on Petach Tikva, near Tel Aviv, killing 3 women and one child.

Sept 5, 1972, Munich Massacre: Palestinian terrorists killed 11 Israeli athletes and one German policeman in a dormitory of the Munich Olympic Games.

Mar 05, 1974 - Eight PLO terrorists reached Tel Aviv by sea and took over a hotel killing 3 Israeli soldiers.

Apr 11, 1974 - PLO terrorists attacked Kiryat Shmona, killing 8 children, 8 adults, and 2 soldiers.

May 15, 1974 - Maalot Massacre: 22 children and several adults were killed (66 children were wounded) by Palestinian terrorists of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Nov 19, 1974 - PLO terrorists infiltrate into the town of Bet She'an, killing 4 residents and wounding 20 others.

Nov 20, 1974 - PLO terrorists infiltrated from Syria into the Ramat Magshimim settlement, killing 3 students and wounding 2.

Nov 21, 1975 - Michael Nadler, an American-Israeli student from Miami Beach, Florida, was killed when axe-wielding terrorists from the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a PLO faction, attacked students at in the Israeli town of Ramat Hamagshimim.

Apr 28, 1976 - A terrorist explosion in the heart of Jerusalem killed 2 police officers.

Dec 08, 1977 - PLO terrorists launched a Katushya rocket at Nahariya, killing one woman.

Mar 11, 1978 - PLO terrorists seized a bus on the coastal road, killing 35 men, women, and children.

Mar 11, 1978 - Gali Rubin, niece of U.S Senator Abraham Ribicoff, was shot to death by PLO terrorists on the Tel-Aviv beachfront.

Mar 17, 1978 - PLO terrorists launched Katushyas on the Western Galilee, killing 2 and wounding 2.

Jun 02, 1978 - A PLO terrorist bomb blows up in a bus in Jerusalem killing 6 people and wounding 19.

Aug 03, 1978 - A terrorist bomb blew up in the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv, killing 1 and wounding nearly 50.

Dec 21, 1978 - PLO terrorists launched a katushya rocket, which killed 1 and wounded 10 in Kiryat Shmona.

Apr 07, 1980 - PLO terrorists attacked Kibbutz Misgav Am at the northern border, killing 3 Israelis and wounding 16.

May 02, 1980 - PLO terrorists attacked worshipers walking home from synagogue in Hebron. Eli Haze'ev, an American-Israeli from Alexandria, Virginia, was one of those killed.

Mar 06, 1981 - A Palestinian terrorist landed in Israel by wind surfer and took a hostage.

Jan 08, 1983 - PLO terrorists wound 11 after throwing a hand grenade at a bus.

Jul 01, 1983 - Aharon Gross, age 19, an American-Israeli from New York, was stabbed to death by PLO terrorists in the Hebron marketplace.

Dec 06, 1983 - PLO terrorists attacked a bus in Jerusalem, killing 6 Israeli citizens and wounding 50.

Apr 02, 1984 - A Palestinian terrorist indiscriminately opened fire in West Jerusalem killing 1 and injuring 60.

Apr 12, 1984 - PLO terrorists hijacked bus #300, killing one Israeli. Two terrorists are captured alive and later beaten to death by General Security Service agents.

Oct 22, 1984 - Palestinian terrorists murdered 2 students one male and one female, near a monastery in Bethlehem.

Jun 27, 1985 - An Israeli man and woman were shot to death by terrorists near Beit Shemesh. The perpetrators were caught and claimed affiliation with Fatah.

Aug 03, 1986 - Yaron Chen, a Tsahal soldier, was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists while hitch-hiking back home. His body was later found in the burnt truck.

Oct 15, 1986 - Terrorists threw a grenade at the Western Wall killing Gail Klein and injuring 69 people.

Apr 11, 1987 - Palestinian terrorists threw a bomb into the car of Ofra Moses, who burned to death. Her family members were also injured in the incident.

Sep 04, 1987 - A Palestinian terrorist murdered a hitchhiking soldier at Megido Junction.

Oct 21, 1987 - Palestinian terrorists murdered an 8 year old girl from Elon Moreh.

Nov 25, 1987 - A PLO terrorist infiltrated from Jordan on a hang glider. He entered an Israeli army base, and killed 6 soldiers.

Mar 07, 1988 - PLO terrorists infiltrated from Egypt, killing 3 nuclear reactor workers riding a bus.

Apr 08, 1988 - Palestinian terrorists attacked a group of hikers, causing one girl to die, wounding 15.

Jun 15, 1988 - A Palestinian terrorist stabbed to death Professor Menahem Stern while walking through the Valley of the Cross, in Jerusalem.

Oct 30, 1988 - Palestinian terrorists firebombed an Israeli bus in Jericho, killing a mother and her 3 children.

May 03, 1989 - Cpl. Ilan Saadon was kidnapped by a Hamas terrorist cell. On 22 Nov 1990, Saadon was declared a fallen IDF soldier. His body was found on 29 Jul 1996.

May 03, 1989 - A Palestinian terrorist stabbed 2 civilians and wounded another 3 in the shopping district at Zion Square, Jerusalem.

Jun 16, 1989 - A Palestinian terrorist stabbed an Israeli to death in Ariel.

Jul 06, 1989 - A Palestinian terrorist forced the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem bus off a cliff, killing 14 Israelis and wounding dozens of others.

Aug 04, 1990 - Palestinian terrorists kidnapped and murdered two teenagers from Jerusalem.

Oct 21, 1990 - A Palestinian terrorist stabbed and killed a female solder, a policeman, and a civilian in Jerusalem.

Nov 12, 1990 - A Palestinian terrorist infiltrated from Jordan, killing an outpost's commanding officer.

Dec 02, 1990 - Three Hamas terrorists stabbed and killed an Israeli, wounding 3 others, on a bus between Petach Tikva and Tel Aviv.

Dec 14, 1990 - Two Hamas terrorists killed 3 employees, one female, in a Jaffa metal works factory.

Mar 18, 1991 - A Palestinian terrorist murdered 4 women in Jerusalem.

Dec 02, 1990 - Three Hamas terrorists stabbed and killed an Israeli, wounding 3 others, on a bus between Petach Tikva and Tel Aviv.

Dec 14, 1990 - Two Hamas terrorists killed 3 employees, one female, in a Jaffa metal works factory.

Dec 06, 1993 - Mordechai Lapid and his son Shalom Lapid, age 19, were shot to death by terrorists near Hebron. Hamas publicly claimed responsibility for the attack.

Dec 22, 1993 - Eliahu Levin and Meir Mendelovitch were killed by shots fired at their car by terrorists from a passing vehicle in the Ramallah area. Hamas claimed responsibility.

Dec 24, 1993 - Lieut.Col. Meir Mintz, commander of the IDF special forces in the Gaza area, was shot and killed by terrorists in an ambush on his jeep at the T-junction in Gaza. The Hamas Iz a-Din al Kassam squads publicly claimed responsibility for the attack.

Nov 04, 2001 - Shoshana Ben Ishai, 16, of Betar Illit and Menashe (Meni) Regev, 14, of Jerusalem were killed when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire with a sub-machine gun shortly before 16:00 at a No. 25 Egged bus at the French Hill junction in northern Jerusalem. 45 people were injured in the attack.

Nov 06, 2001 - Capt. (Res.) Eyal Sela, 39, of Moshav Nir Banim, was shot dead in an ambush by three Palestinian terrorists on the southern Nablus bypass road.

Nov 9, 2001 - Hadas Abutbul, 39, of Mevo Dotan in northern Samaria was shot and killed by Palestinian terrorists on Friday afternoon as she drove from work in nearby Shaked.

Feb 27, 2002 - A Palestinian terrorist homicide bomber blew herself up at the Maccabim roadblock on the Jerusalem-Modi'in highway Wednesday night, injuring three policemen.

Apr 06, 2002 - St.-Sgt. Nisan Avraham, 26, of Lod was killed and five other soldiers were lightly injured when two Palestinian terrorist gunmen opened fire and threw grenades at the entrance to Rafiah Yam in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian terrorists, members of the Islamic Jihad, were killed.

Apr 08, 2002 - St.-Sgt. Matanya Robinson, 21, of Kibbutz Tirat Zvi, and Sgt. Shmuel Weiss, 19, of Kiryat Arba were killed in an ambush by Palestinian terrorist gunfire in the Jenin refugee camp (Operation Defensive Shield).

Apr 09, 2002 - 13 IDF soldiers were killed and 7 injured in the Jenin refugee camp by Palestinian terrorists. An IDF patrol by reserve soldiers was ambushed during operations in the refugee camp. Explosive devices were detonated against them, as well as gunfire directed against the soldiers from the rooftops of the surrounding buildings.

Mar 26, 2002 - Major Cengiz Soytunc of Turkey and Catherine Berruex of Switzerland, members of the TIPH observer force in Hebron, were killed in an ambush shooting by a Palestinian terrorist gunman near Halhul.

Mar 27, 2002 - 29 people were killed and 140 injured - 20 seriously - in a homicide bombing in the Park Hotel in the coastal city of Netanya, in the midst of the Passover holiday seder with 250 guests. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack. The terrorist was a member of Hamas from Tulkarem, on the list of wanted terrorists Israel had requested be arrested.

Mar 28, 2002 - Rachel and David Gavish, 50, their son Avraham Gavish, 20, and Rachel's father Yitzhak Kanner, 83, were killed when a terrorist infiltrated the community of Elon Moreh in Samaria, entered their home and opened fire on its inhabitants. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Mar 29, 2002 - Tuvia Wisner, 79, of Petah Tikva and Michael Orlansky, 70, of Tel-Aviv were killed Friday morning, when a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated the Neztarim settlement in the Gaza Strip.

Mar 31, 2002 - An MDA paramedic was very seriously injured along with three other people at 17:00 Sunday afternoon in a homicide bombing at the emergency medical center in Efrat, in the Gush Etzion bloc south of Jerusalem.

Mar 31, 2002 - 15 people were killed and over 40 injured when a terrorist detonated himself in Haifa, in the Matza restaurant of the gas station near the Grand Canyon shopping mall. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Apr 01, 2002 - Sgt.-Maj. Ofir Roth, 22, of Gan Yoshiya, an IDF reserve soldier, was killed at a roadblock near Jerusalem's Har Homa neighborhood by a Palestinian terrorist sniper firing from Beit Sahur, near Bethlehem.

Apr 01, 2002 - Tomer Mordechai, 19, of Tel-Aviv, a policeman, was killed in Jerusalem, when a Palestinian terrorist driving toward the city center blew himself up after being stopped at a roadblock. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Apr 04, 2002 - Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Einan Sharabi, 32, of Rehovot; Lt. Nissim Ben-David, 22, of Ashdod; and St.-Sgt. Gad Ezra, 23, of Bat-Yam were killed during the IDF anti-terrorist action in Jenin (Operation Defensive Shield).

Apr 05, 2002 - Sgt. Marom Moshe Fisher, 19, of Moshav Avigdor; Sgt. Ro'i Tal, 21, of Ma'alot; and Sgt. Oded Kornfein, 20, of Kibbutz Ha'on - were killed in exchanges of fire between IDF troops and Palestinian terrorist gunmen in Jenin (Operation Defensive Shield).

Apr 06, 2002 - St.-Sgt. Nisan Avraham, 26, of Lod was killed and five other soldiers were lightly injured when two Palestinian terrorist gunmen opened fire and threw grenades at the entrance to Rafiah Yam in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian terrorists, members of the Islamic Jihad, were killed.

Apr 08, 2002 - St.-Sgt. Matanya Robinson, 21, of Kibbutz Tirat Zvi, and Sgt. Shmuel Weiss, 19, of Kiryat Arba were killed in an ambush by Palestinian terrorist gunfire in the Jenin refugee camp (Operation Defensive Shield).

Apr 09, 2002 - 13 IDF soldiers were killed and 7 injured in the Jenin refugee camp by Palestinian terrorists. An IDF patrol by reserve soldiers was ambushed during operations in the refugee camp. Explosive devices were detonated against them, as well as gunfire directed against the soldiers from the rooftops of the surrounding buildings.

Apr 10, 2002 - Avinoam Alfia, 26, of Kiryat Ata; Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Shlomi Ben Haim, 27, of Kiryat Yam; Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Nir Danieli, 24, of Kiryat Ata; Border Police Lance Cpl. Keren Franco, 18, of Kiryat Yam; Sgt.-Maj.(res.) Ze'ev Hanik, 24, of Karmiel; Border Police Lance Cpl. Noa Shlomo, 18, of Nahariya; Prison Warrant Officer Shimshon Stelkol, 33, of Kiryat Yam; and Sgt. Michael Weissman, 21, of Kiryat Yam were killed and 22 people injured when a terrorist detonated himself on Egged bus #960, en route from Haifa to Jerusalem, which exploded near Kibbutz Yagur, east of Haifa. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aug 04, 2002 - Yekutiel Amitai, 34, of Jerusalem, a security guard, and Nizal Awassat, 52, of the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood in East Jerusalem, were killed and 17 were wounded when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire with a pistol near the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem's Old City. Border policemen exchanged fire with the gunman, killing him. The Fatah al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aug 05, 2002 - Avi Wolanski (29) and his wife Avital (27), of Eli, were killed and one of their children, aged 03, was injured when terrorists opened fire on their car as they were traveling on the Ramallah-Nablus road near Eli in Samaria. The Martyrs of the Palestinian terrorist Popular Army, a splinter group associated with Arafat's Fatah movement, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aug 10, 2002 - Yafit Herenstein, 31, of Moshav Mechora in the Jordan Valley, was killed and her husband, Arno, seriously wounded when a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated the moshav and opened fire outside their home. The terrorist was killed by soldiers. The Fatah al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Aug 20, 2002 - St.-Sgt. Kevin Cohen, 19, of Petah Tikva, was killed by a Palestinian terrorist sniper near Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip.

Sep 05, 2002 - 1st Lt. Malik Grifat, 24, of Zarzir was killed and a soldier wounded when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire, from a crowded school, towards an IDF patrol near Nisanit in the northern Gaza Strip. The terrorist was killed. The Fatah al-Aqsa Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sep 05, 2002 - Sgt. Aviad Dotan, 21, of Moshav Nir Galim was killed and three soldiers were wounded when a large bomb weighing over 100 kgs exploded under a Merkava tank near the Kissufim Crossing in central Gaza Strip. An umbrella group representing several Palestinian terrorist factions claimed responsibility.

Sep 18, 2002 - The charred body of David Buhbut, 67, of Ma'ale Adumim, shot in the head, was found near el-Azzariya, a Palestinian terrorist village near Ma'ale Adumim, east of Jerusalem, the victim of a terrorist killing.

Aug 12, 2003 - Yehezkel (Hezi) Yekutieli, 43, of Rosh Ha'ayin, was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist bomber, 17, who detonated himself as Yekutieli was shopping for his children's breakfast at his local supermarket.

Aug 12, 2003 - Erez Hershkovitz, 18, of Eilon Moreh, was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist bomber, 17, who detonated himself at a bus stop outside Ariel less than half an hour after the Rosh Ha'ayin attack. Amatzia Nisanevitch, 22, of Nofim, died of his wounds on August 28.

Aug 19, 2003 - Twenty-three people were killed and over 130 wounded when a Palestinian terrorist detonated himself on a No. 2 Egged bus in Jerusalem's Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack.

Jan 13, 2005 - On Thursday night, shortly before the closing of the Karni Crossing, terrorists activated an explosive device on the Palestinian side, blowing a hole in the door through which Palestinian terrorists infiltrated the Israeli side of the crossing and opened fire at Israeli civilians. As a result of the explosion and exchanges of fire, six Israeli civilians and three Palestinian terrorists were killed, and five Israeli civilians were wounded. Hamas and the Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed joint responsiblity for the attack. The victims: Dror Gizri, 30, of Sderot; Ibrahim Kahili, 46, of Umm al-Ghanem; Munam Abu Sabia, 33, of Daburiyeh; Ivan Shmilov, 53, of Sderot; Herzl Shlomo, 51, of Sderot; and Ofer Tiri, 23, of Ashkelon.

Aug 3, 2005 - Palestinian terrorists fire a rocket at a group of Israeli demonstrators in Sderot. The missile hits their own group instead, killing a 3-year-old boy and injuring nine others, including five children.

Dec 29, 2005 - Lt. Ori Binamo, 21, of Nesher was killed when a terrorist en route to carry out an attack in Israel detonated himself at roadblock set up near Tulkarm following an intelligence tip. Two Palestinians were also killed, one the taxi driver who was carrying the bomber. Three soldiers and seven Palestinians were wounded.

Feb 5, 2006 - Kinneret Ben Shalom Hajbi, 58, of Petah Tikva was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist while traveling on a number 51 service taxi to Tel Aviv. Five other passengers were wounded.

Mar 1, 2006 - Eldar Abir, 48, of Migdalim was killed when two Palestinian shot him at point blank range at the gas station near Migdalim in the West Bank. The Fatah Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed responsibility for the attack.

Dec 28, 2007 - Cpl. Ahikam Amihai (20) and Sgt. David Rubin (21), both of Kiryat Arba, were killed by Palestinian terrorists while hiking in the Hebron area. The two Palestinian terrorsts turned themselves into Pleastinian General Intelligence in Hebron the same day in order to avoid being apprehended by Israeli security forces.

Pasted from <>

Can the delegates of Iran and Syria, and ALL countries, ignore this? Every single attack is from the Hamas or Palestinian terrorists. There are many others, but the Israeli delegate cannot include them all, for it would take years. Perhaps this is why Israel is so hesitant in creating a cease-fire. Perhaps it is because terrorist groups would use a MISTAKEN pre-emptive exuse to attack Israel during the cease-fire. Take another look delegate, and please, explain to the delegate of Israel WHY Israel would hestitate?
Delegate of Syria, please, at least read Iran's posts before posting another. Iran said in a previous post, "Thank you, new delegate of Israel. Thank you for pointing out the very core of Iran's, I will merely sum up to this word, dislike for your country. For more than sixty years the Palestinians have had to endure a genocidethat was forcefully called upon them, for no apparent reason, by the Israeli government."
Delegate of Iran, please, do not contradict the previous posts the Iraian delegate has written. If the delegate of Iran's position is that there is no genocide, stick with it and do not contradict the former words written by the Iranian delegate.
The delegate of Israel is looking forward to the resolutions concerning Iran and Syria.

Last edited by israel_andrea on October 30th 2009, 20:12; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : wrong HTML)

28Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute October 30th 2009, 22:30



Delegate, let me ask you a fairly simple question here: do you know how to read? When did the Iranian delegation ever draw back from our initial conclusion regarding the Palestinian genocide? What I said was exactly that "none of what you said, however, came close to justifying that there is no such a thing as the Palestinian genocide. I would like to read a better explanation." Now how you managed to twist that into your rhetorical "if the delegate of Iran's position is that there is no genocide, stick with it and do not contradict the former words written by the Iranian delegate" is something beyond Iran's comprehension.

Anyways, Israeli delegate, though you were promptly able to copy and paste a mere listing from a site, you have not managed to answer even one the questions posed in my previous post, so I am judging that you just didn't find an appropriate response to these that wouldn't discredit your country or lower the pedestal in which you seem to stand right now. Nonetheless, since you seem to enjoy statistics, I will share some of mine:

  • 123 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,435 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000.
  • 1,072 Israelis and at least 6,348 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000.
  • 8,864 Israelis and 39,019 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000.
  • During Fiscal Year 2009, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $7.0 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians.
  • Israel has been targeted by more than 65 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by none.
  • 1 Israeli soldier is being held prisoner by the Hamas while 10,756 Palestinians (including political members and minors) are currently imprisoned by Israel.
  • 0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 18,147 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967.

If you are appealing to our emotional perspectives, you might as well get all that piled up information and triple the amount of victims, aggression and weapons and you should come a bit closer to the reality of the Palestinians. Good luck with your calculations (you seem to have trouble with simple math) and, by the way, my questions were intended so as you might respond to them, so I am still waiting for answers...

See you soon,
Delegation of Iran

29Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute October 30th 2009, 22:40



once again delegate of Iran, youre way out of line, and its getting kind of boring the way that the delegate keeps targeting the Israeli delegates, pathetic actually.
and how can Israel possibly offer more if every time anything is offered the Palestinians want moooooooore and instead of proposing meetings to resolve this issue they launch rockets. As posted by my fellow Israeli delegate, its proof that Palestinians don't want peace unlike Israel.
and maybe the USA is providing Israel military aid because it knows that Israel is constantly under attack, and the USA just might not give it to Palestine because it is afraid the aid will get in the hands of the terrorists and cause a breach of peace by attacking Israel, a principle of the UN stated in the Charter is to avoid any breach of peace.

30Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute October 31st 2009, 17:39



First of all, the Iranian delegate is only exposing statistics (which you take as an "attack" against your country for the mere fact that this crude reality undermines your efforts in being "just" and "reasonable") because that is all that you have been doing to counter-argument my rhetorics. And what do you mean by "how can Israel possibly offer more" if what I have suggested as a plausible solution is to give the Palestinians the West Bank and Gaza Strip territories within their legitimate and rightful boundaries? Again for the sake of your understanding, in simple terms, think of it like this: the Palestinians want a full glass of water but you are only willing to concede the glass if it's half empty. So instead of trying to figure out a way of containing your expansionist principles and actually offer what they are entitled to (under the United Nations), you repetitively criticize and offend the Palestinians for not accepting a glass half full. Did you understand what I meant or would you rather have me draw that for you?

And please elaborate on how routinely killing Palestinian civilians in the name of protection is not a "breach of peace." War against "terrorism" is terrorism.

See you soon,
Delegation of Iran

31Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty civility November 3rd 2009, 08:39


Dear delegates,
I am enjoying reading your posts. I am glad that you are all engaged in such heated debate because these issues merit it and are not easy to solve. Both sides have committed so many wrongs. While I love some of the strong arguments being presented, I am disappointed by some of the petty, personal attacks (i.e. calling people immature, criticizing their spelling and/or poor grammar in a demeaning way, etc). Please refrain from these as they diminish the quality of your arguments, lead to hurt feelings and let emotions take over from reasoned debate.

Thank you for your cooperation with this!

32Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 3rd 2009, 18:31



The Iranian delegation apologizes for any disturbance caused by previous comments. It was uncalled for.

Thank you Garrett for pointing this out.

See you soon,
Delegation of Iran

33Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 3rd 2009, 21:02



of course, sometimes things get out of hand. very true.
continuing with the topic posted, why is Iran actually in favor of this resolution, is it simply because Iran is currently aiding Al Queada, which trains in Syria, near the area of the Golan Heights, if the Golan Heights were to be re annexed to Syria, would Iran keep funding Al Queada and providing weaponry, such as possibly nuclear weapons to be used by them in the Golan Heights against Israel? Recenlty a ship was halted carrying weapons from Iran to Syria, heres the site

34Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Just a question for Israel November 4th 2009, 09:50


Does Iran fund Al-Qaeda? In Israel? Is Al-Qaeda responsible for any attacks in Israel?
All terrorist organizations are not created equally... while some may share common enemies, it doesn't mean they cooperate or all operate against the same countries, people or with the same methods. They often have specific and different targets and goals.
While Palestinian resistance groups have adopted terrorist tactics, their goals are different than say Al-Qaeda.
If you want to accuse Iran or Syria of supporting terror in Israel, look at Hezbollah! They are shiite, etc.

35Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 10th 2009, 08:17



director_garrett wrote:Dear delegates,
I am enjoying reading your posts. I am glad that you are all engaged in such heated debate because these issues merit it and are not easy to solve. Both sides have committed so many wrongs. While I love some of the strong arguments being presented, I am disappointed by some of the petty, personal attacks (i.e. calling people immature, criticizing their spelling and/or poor grammar in a demeaning way, etc). Please refrain from these as they diminish the quality of your arguments, lead to hurt feelings and let emotions take over from reasoned debate.

Thank you for your cooperation with this!

Ms. Garret you got in a really good point, everyone was out of order, after you sent your post the delegates tried to use a better language without criticizing, but everyone get emotionalized to defend his country. The delegate of Syria apreciates your point and apologizes for any bad words used or for any criticize made against someone.
thanks alot!

36Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 12th 2009, 18:20



I believe, Monday, that a ship with illegal weapons was intercepted in the Mediterranean sea. The ship came from Iran and was heading to Iraq and other countries, most probably to terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and/or criminal groups.

37Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 12th 2009, 21:49



Good evening fellow delegates of the Middle Eastern Caucus,
The Egyptian Delegation was wondering if it Egypt was or has ever played a role on this topic. If so, what are some things it could do, or take action against/for, to help things move along on the right path?

Delegate of Egypt Etienne Pfister

38Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 13th 2009, 13:24



delegate of Egypt,
the Egyptian nation is certainly involved with this topic, especially because it was the main leader of the Six-Day-War against Israel in 1967, which then resulted to Israels capture of Egypts Sinai peninusla and the Syrian Golan Heights. In 1979 Egypt recognized Israel as a state, so Israel gave back the whole Sinai peninsula, and later Egypt urged that other countries would do the same, in order to acheive peace, but Syria didnt recognize Israel as a state, so Israel didnt give back the Golan Heights, therefore today it is under Israels jurisdiction, and Syria still wants it back, but for its valuable water sources, not for peace. No matter what is proposed in favor of Syria, just in exchange for Syrias recognition of Israel as state, Syria will not accept it. And currently peace talks have been taking place with Turkey mediating these talks. Which is strange because Turkey as well took water from Syria, but Syria wont say anything to Trukey, instead just resorts to violence against the Israeli citizens in the Golan Heights.
Israeli delegation

39Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 13th 2009, 13:48



Resuming all which was said, the delegate of Syria is looking forward for a peaceful and productible discussion and negotiation.

40Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 13th 2009, 18:20



actually, what the delegate of Syria has stated is the exact opposite of what the Israeli delegate is trying to show, Syrias incabability of reaching peaceful solutions through diplomatic negotiations, in an overall of 42 years.

41Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 16th 2009, 09:38



Israel_ale wrote:actually, what the delegate of Syria has stated is the exact opposite of what the Israeli delegate is trying to show, Syrias incabability of reaching peaceful solutions through diplomatic negotiations, in an overall of 42 years.

Dear delegate, Israel can't mention anything about diplomatic negotiations, since resolutions have been passed but Israel have been denying to accept them, such as the peaceful return of the Golan Heights.

42Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 16th 2009, 10:11



at least Israel is providing the Druze en education that they were denied under Syrian rule, and about peaceful negotiations, if only Syria had recognized Israel as a state the golan heights would be returned, but now there is no time.

43Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 16th 2009, 11:50



Israel_ale wrote:at least Israel is providing the Druze en education that they were denied under Syrian rule, and about peaceful negotiations, if only Syria had recognized Israel as a state the golan heights would be returned, but now there is no time.

Dear delegate, Syria has volunteered to accept Israel as a state if peace was reached. Second, Israeli citizens have been educating Syrian children to lose their identity: as the following quote states from an UN 2004 report.
"In the area of education, Israeli authorities continued their attempt to impose the Hebrew language on Syrian pupils during the early stages of education, to focus attention on Jewish history and Hebrew literature, and to provide their own interpretation of the recent history of the occupied Golan, using unqualified teachers…These practices were aimed at eliminating the national identity of the new generation and at severing ties with their history, heritage, culture, nation and homeland."
3rd, Druze people in Syria now have influence, which was modified with a lot of political changes. Today, Druze people are even officers in the military force in Syria.

44Golan Heights dispute - Page 2 Empty Re: Golan Heights dispute November 16th 2009, 11:55



Israel just had a meeting with the french president- Nicolas Sarkozy- to talk about establishing peqace between us and syria. Israel intends to return back the Golan Height to Syria, but they need to have peaceful negotiations and Syria should recognize Israel as a state. The problem is that Syria does not want to meet directly with Israel, so president Sarkozy will have a meeting with Syria and than will propose a meeting between Israel and syria together. How does Syria wants the Israel to rteurn the Golan Heights back, if they dont even want to meet? syria is not cooperating with the peace process as they say they are.

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