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SalMUN 2009
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SalMUN 2009

This forum is a lobbying place for MUN delegates to get prepared for the actual SalMUN 2009 Conference in Bahia!

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Home-made Frequently Asked Questions about Forum use for beginning Forum-users

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not answered in this post, or if you just feel too lazy to read the whole post, please ask via email at, and I will answer you.

Forum Use

How do I login?

Arrow On the menu of the home page, click on Sign In, then type in your Usename and Password.Finally, click on Login.

What if I don't manage to post on the forum?

Arrow It probably means you're not logged in.You don't need to be logged in to read the forum's content.

What should I do if I lose my password?

Arrow On the menu of the home page, click on Sign In, then click on [I forgot my password]. Type in your username and email address, and you will receive an email with a new password.

The password I received via email is a pain! What should I do?

Arrow You probably want to change the password you just received into one you will hopefully remember longer. On the menu of the home page, click on Profile, type in your current password and after, the new one. Then, don't forget to save this information by clicking on save at the bottom of the page.

How do I put an avatar? And what is an avatar anyway?

Arrow Beside being an earthly manifestation of the Hindu god Vishnu, an avatar is a small image which width cannot exceed 150 pixels, the height cannot exceed 200 pixels, and the file size cannot be higher than 64 KB.When you post, it appears next to your username and gives you a charismatic aura. To have one, you first need to find a relativally small image on the internet. Your image shouldrelate directly to your country, such as a flag or a political leader. Any unappropriate image will be deleted as soon as it is found. Once you saved your image on your computer, click on Profile, and then on Avatar. Click on Enviar Arquivo to find the image, and then click on save.

How do I know if someone posted on one of the caucuses?

Arrow If there is a little blue ball beside the black rectangle which stands next to the caucus' title, it means a new message has been posted and only long to be read and answered. The title, date, and author of the last post of a caucus is visible on the right side of the table, under "Last Posts".

How do I create a new topic?

Arrow First, make sure your topic does not already exist. If you want to create a debate about your resolution on the Kashmir Crisis or on Iran's elections for examples, you should check if there is not already a topic dealing with your issue. Fewer topics create more debate because they gather more posts. If you feel lazy about checking topics, you can as well do a research by clicking on Search and type in keywords such as "Kashmir Crisis", or "Iranian Elections", and the forum will list you all the topics that contain your keywords.
Then, if your topic is not already discussed, you are encouraged to create one. Click on the link of your caucus, and then on New Topic. Type your post carefully: being the first post of the topic, he needs to be developped and clear to generate debate. Type a title in (subject). The title you choose should be clear and giving an idea of what's being discussed in your topic, for example "Resolution on Water Wars".

How do I respond to a post?

Arrow First, read it throroughly. Then, at the bottom of the page, click on Add Reply.

What do I do if my question is not answered by this post?

Arrow If you want a more extensive (and boring) FAQ about basic use of a forum, check this:

Happy Posting Very Happy

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