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North Korea's nuclear threat!

Secretary General_ Bia
Australia Victor
South Korea_Marina
South Korea_Alana
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126North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 10th 2009, 14:58


Sorry delegate of Nkorea, however, concidering that this is a very controversial topic, it's highly likely that this debate will be circular, a term that you have used not only here. I would like to point out that the forum is good practice for the real debate, becuase the delegates will most likely be asked these very questions. it's good for us all to have a bit of preperation, wouldn't you agree?
hasn't NK not been physically harmed as well? which makes the need or threat of Nuclear weapons seem a bit uneccessary.

127North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 10th 2009, 18:11

South Korea_Marina

South Korea_Marina

Delegate of North Korea,
The delegation of South Korea completely agrees with Israel and would also like to state that this topic has been going in circles because you're country refuses to accept an agreement and simply recognize that all posts made by the countries in favor of ending with NK's nuclear program are more than enough to prove that North Korea is an untrustworthy nation that shouldn't be allowed to produce weapons of massive destruction!

South Korean Delegate,

128North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 10th 2009, 20:54



israel_amanda wrote:The US is threatened with the thought of preemptive attack, NK is keen on finding an excuse to "test" their nuclear weapons IN it's enemy countries....
delegate of pakistan- you do not need to quote my entire posts every time you wish to comment, you can simply direct your post at my delegation, and please stay focused on the topic at hand- we are discussing the threat of NK nuclear weapons, the delegate of Israel will not state anything further on it's views of nuclear weapons, except in THIS case, it is a threat to international security, so YES, delegate, they DO harm the international peace of the global community that the UN is trying to restore, as far as this question:
Is that fact that NK withdrew from the NPT display a bad sign in terms of the saftey of a nations population?
i would not understand your definition of "bad sign" please be a bit more specific, especially when you say the safety of "A nations population" . if you are asking if NK's withdrawl from the NPT is a threat to the national security, then my response would be that NK had to withdraw becuase it had already violated the NPT, and that their immediate production of nuclear weapons and streaming threats and provocations towards the US show their intent on destruction so YES, it's withdrawal is a threat, as i have stated before. if this was not the intent of your question, delegate of pakistan, perhaps you should try a more formal wording.
Okay delegate, quoting your entire post shouldn't be a problem because I am implying my post on your entire general post. And yes, the delegate has answered on the exact intent of my questions. Anyways.. the delegate of Pakistan recomends the delegate of Israel to act on this topic from the view of YOUR country, which is Israel. The delegate has stated that "YES, delegate, they DO harm the international peace of the global community that the UN is trying to restore,"(the delegate of Israel was implying this statment to nuclear weapons.) Well delegate, you should be aware that Israel has nuclear weapons! They have been involved in resolutions that deal with only countries that have nuclear weapons. And Israel is considered to be one of the nine countries to HAVE nuclear weapons. Israel has never denied that!
the delegate also stated that "YES, it's withdrawal is a threat," while the delegate was refering to NKand the NPT. But delegate, Israel has never signed the NPT either! Israel has never signed the NPT because they have already violated the regulations of the NPT just like NK who you are in opposition to which shouldn't be the case. These two questions the delegate of Israel has answered are contradicting the beliefs of Israel!

129North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 10th 2009, 21:28


pakistan_kris wrote:Okay delegate, quoting your entire post shouldn't be a problem because I am implying my post on your entire general post. And yes, the delegate has answered on the exact intent of my questions. Anyways.. the delegate of Pakistan recomends the delegate of Israel to act on this topic from the view of YOUR country, which is Israel. The delegate has stated that "YES, delegate, they DO harm the international peace of the global community that the UN is trying to restore,"(the delegate of Israel was implying this statment to nuclear weapons.) Well delegate, you should be aware that Israel has nuclear weapons! They have been involved in resolutions that deal with only countries that have nuclear weapons. And Israel is considered to be one of the nine countries to HAVE nuclear weapons. Israel has never denied that!
the delegate also stated that "YES, it's withdrawal is a threat," while the delegate was refering to NKand the NPT. But delegate, Israel has never signed the NPT either! Israel has never signed the NPT because they have already violated the regulations of the NPT just like NK who you are in opposition to which shouldn't be the case. These two questions the delegate of Israel has answered are contradicting the beliefs of Israel!

delegate, delegate, please do not take my wording out of context. yes i did write "they DO harm the international peace of the global community that the UN is trying to restore" however the sentance before stated that IN THE CASE OF NORTH KOREAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS. and i AM discussing this from my point of view, delegate what do you think we have been talking about?????? Isreal has never stated they have nuclear weapons, and i think you are a bit confused about what this topic is. we are NOT talking about nuclear weapons in general, we are talking about NORTH KOREA'S NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAMS and it's threat to the community becuase of it's alarming nuclear tests and threats!!!!!!!! that IS my position on this topic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and yes again delegate, i DID say, "YES, it's withdrawal is a threat" HOWEVER what do you think "it's" refers to in that sentance. I REFERRED TO NORTH KOREA'S WITHDRAWAL. this topic is not about isreal's "nuclear weapons"
it's not a violation if the country is not a signatory, unlike NK who violated and then withdrew.
on the contrary delegate, the delegate of israel has not yet contradicted herself, and she made herself very careful so as not to do so! go back and look at these posts delegate... NK nuclear weapons ARE a threat to international security, and to the united states, and to south korea, the rest i have explained to you all, please refrain from taking my writing out of context to prove a non-existant point, so I can refrain from having to repeat myself. as the SC delegate of NK said, this debate really IS started to go in circles....

130North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 11th 2009, 00:11



As the delegate of NK said, this debate IS moving in circles..
Not once did NK threaten any Asian country or even the US! And delegate, I have kept in mind that this discussion is about NK nuclear weapons the entire time, but if a country, like Israel, who never signed the NPT and still has attained nuclear weapons, JUST LIKE NK, they cannot blame NK for anything. Not for nuclear weapons, and not for threatening the US when they have never done anything physical to threaten US. NK attained nuclear weapons for protection, <this has been said many times before but it seems that delegates have completly ignored this significant fact! NK attained nuclear powers for the same reason i would believe Israel would, for protection, in Israel's case, for protection against the surrounding Arab countries that Israel has gone to many wars with.
The only ATTEMPT of real physical PROOF Paksitan has heard is the quotes given by Israel about the searches the US and SK demanded. But NK considers this a declaration of war against them. And that any hostile
act against thier peaceful vessels, including search and seizure, will
be considered an unpardonable infringement on thier sovereignty. So a warning of a military response, only seems legitamate, therefore, NOT A THREAT. <^now that this has been covered, i hope will not be brought up again..
Also, the delegate of Israel has said "NORTH KOREA'S NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAMS and it's threat to the community
becuase of it's alarming nuclear tests and threats!!!!!!!!" which has been stated many times before..and the delegate of Pakistan will state again... NK did not invade the safety of any countries poplation what so ever! Not one citezen of NK's neighboring countries was injured or killed from any nuclear tests! so how are these nuclear test considered threats?? well.. they're are not!< as stated many times before!!

So now the delegate of Pakistan asks, is there another argument against NK that is not included in this post, or any of the past posts because they have already been explained by either Pakistan or NK that they are not proven to be threats of any kind?

131North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 11th 2009, 08:11


funny you mention that this is a circular argument and THEN state AGAIN things i have already explained. i will NOT repeat myself again and again as you so insist.
however, i will respond to the one peice of new information that hasn't been repeated many time before. "NK attained nuclear powers for the same reason i would believe Israel would, for protection, in Israel's case, for protection against the surrounding Arab countries that Israel has gone to many wars with." i'm not sure if you are aware, but israel has never used nuclear weapons, and has been able to defend itself against the arab majority EVEN keeping in mind that Israel was attacked days after it became a state and still managed to INCREASE it's territory, without ever using nuclear weapons. and even thinking that israel had "nuclear weapons" would be disputed.
everything else that you wrote in your post i have already responded to, and i have already explained. so lets move on.

132North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 11th 2009, 11:19



israel_amanda wrote:funny you mention that this is a circular argument and THEN state AGAIN things i have already explained. i will NOT repeat myself again and again as you so insist.
however, i will respond to the one peice of new information that hasn't been repeated many time before. "NK attained nuclear powers for the same reason i would believe Israel would, for protection, in Israel's case, for protection against the surrounding Arab countries that Israel has gone to many wars with." i'm not sure if you are aware, but israel has never used nuclear weapons, and has been able to defend itself against the arab majority EVEN keeping in mind that Israel was attacked days after it became a state and still managed to INCREASE it's territory, without ever using nuclear weapons. and even thinking that israel had "nuclear weapons" would be disputed.
everything else that you wrote in your post i have already responded to, and i have already explained. so lets move on.
delegate, Pakistan was simply refering to the fact that Israel is almost under the same circumstances as NK which is Not being a signotory of the NPT and having nuclear weapons. And delegate, as i have said before.. but again, it seems to have been compltely ignored, Israel has been involved in resolutions with only countries with nuclear weapons. They are internationaly thought to have nuclear weapons, and have NEVER denied that. They are considered to be on of the nine nations that has nuclear weapons. And a country that doesn't have nuclear weapons, would definatley state that they DON'T if they were accused that they do have. and yes delegate, I was aware to everything you have stated.
but delegate, I would like to remind YOU what this discussion is about, which is NOT Israel nuclear weapons, but about NK nuclear weapons. Israel has stated- "i'm not sure if you are aware, but israel has never used nuclear weapons, and has been able to defend itself against the arab majority EVEN keeping in mind that Israel was attacked days after it became a state and still managed to INCREASE it's territory, without ever using nuclear weapons. and even thinking that israel had "nuclear weapons" would be disputed." <this has nothing to do with NK nuclear weapons!! unlike what I said-- "but if a country, like Israel, who never signed the NPT and still has attained nuclear weapons, JUST LIKE NK, they cannot blame NK for anything. Not for nuclear weapons, and not for threatening the US when they have never done anything physical to threaten US. NK attained nuclear weapons for protection, <this has been said many times before but it seems that delegates have completly ignored this significant fact! NK attained nuclear powers for the same reason i would believe Israel would, for protection, in Israel's case, for protection against the surrounding Arab countries that Israel has gone to many wars with," which is just comparing the the views of two countires for the sake of the argument. And this is completly relevent.

133North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 11th 2009, 11:35


The delegate of Israel stated-
israel_amanda wrote:funny you mention that this is a circular argument and THEN state AGAIN things i have already explained. i will NOT repeat myself again and again as you so insist.
however, i will respond to the one peice of new information that hasn't been repeated many time before
Delegate, the delegate of Pakistan is appauled by your feed off other delegate of Pakistan's post. The other delegate of Pakistan has only restated the basics of the revolving arguments and he explained how NK has NOT threatend any other country!! He then stated how these very arguments should not be brought up again. He did not "THEN state AGAIN things i have already explained," he was just RESTATING so that the message would be sent to NOT bring it up again.

134North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 11th 2009, 11:50


sorry delegates, these posts are becoming increasingly irrelevant,
i was starting to get the notion you were only writing those to have more posts....
however, my last statement in this debate will be that the delegate of israel was simply responding to the delegate of pakistans assumptions, and Israel has never officially stated that it had nuclear weapons, i know very well what the topic is North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Icon_wink
well it's been fun, but unless you delegates have any new defense or attack or a new peice of information that has not already been thouroughly discussed, i will not respond to further posts.
North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Icon_smile so long...

135North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 11th 2009, 12:11


Basically, thanks to restate mine and the other delegate of Pakistan's post, i really wanted to see it again. As the delegate of Israel said "well it's been fun, but unless you delegates have any new defense or attack or a new peice of information that has not already been thouroughly discussed" We honestly didn't mean to do this post just for the sake of having more posts. Delegation of Pakistan thinks that posting what other people are posting whitout a good reason is what you are accussing me of, which is making more posts...which is exactly what you are doing
North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Icon_lol so long...

136North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 11th 2009, 21:42


Hopefully the delegate of Israel would take the last post as a recommendation instead of an "attack" from the delegates of Pakistan because honestly, we found your level of politeness near to the ground when saying

"you were only writing those to have more posts...."
I personally think that that's a very un respectful and informal statement. I would like to let you know that posting here is not about how many posts you have, is about USING formal, polite, and useful information and of course, dicussing with other delegates, politely as well. Thank you,
Delegate of Pakistan Diego Hernandez

137North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 11th 2009, 23:31


Delegates of Pakistan and Israel,
Bear in mind that the forum is to discuss specifically issues that are MUN related. This discussion is in fact becoming tiresome and irrelevant, and completely off topic. Delegate of Israel, even though you're not in the Asian caucus, I would like to remind you that some comments are considered innapropriate during a debate, such as the one you accused the delegates of responding in order to have a greater number of posts. Accusations such as those will be considered a warning during MUN. We are glad that you are actively involved in other caucus' discussions, but once again, please remember to remain on topic and restrain from verbal "aggressions".
Thank you delegates, and keep up the good work! MUN in one week =)

138North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 12th 2009, 08:49



All delegates,

understanly the topic has gone off topic and is now irrelevant. Getting back on topic, refering to what the South Korean delegate has stated in post 127 that:

"because you're country refuses to accept an agreement and simply recognize that all posts made by the countries in favor of ending with NK's nuclear program are more than enough to prove that North Korea is an untrustworthy nation that shouldn't be allowed to produce weapons of massive destruction!"

The North Korean delegation would like to know how a country can be judged untrustworthy of possesing weapons of mass destruction on the basis of several countries discontent with a nation.

Further more, how can North Korea not be trusted with weapons of mass destruction when, unlike the United States, has not used weapons of mass destruction on another country. Wouldn't this make the United States untrustworthy of possesing such weapons?

139North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 12th 2009, 09:08



All Delegates,

I agree with my partner Delegate Adriano when he asks how the United States can be trusted with weapons of mass destruction when North Korea cannot and the U.S. is the only country that has ever used a nuclear weapon against a foreign nation.

North Korean Delegate,
Tyler Simpson

140North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 12th 2009, 09:17



Russia refuses to see NK as a threat, it has proven no more of one as did USA with the hiroshima bombing... The delegate of NK should realize this, what is being proposed in SC is that USA will be paying certain amounts in order for NK to stop its Nuclear Program, but delegates, lets think... is this really to stop NK, or is this for its own pride, not letting another nation who is threatening its source of power, in other words, Russia thinks that NK is in no way dangerous, except for the struggle of power...

Coming back to the topic, the only nations who should see NK as a threat, are those who refuse to share power, and realize that they are not the only nation important today, these nations are selfish and refuse to keep a good relationship with NK, If Russia can, why should any other nation, smaller then us not(All nations are smaller then Russia, for those who do not know)

NK, defend yourself, nations are ganguing up on you, dont worry, Russia is by your side, althoug the Resolution might not be acceptable, be sure that you are not in this struggle alone, all nations who are a source of power are verbaly charged by nations who allie with the USA, is their a patern? YES!!! USA has not learned to share, and therefore makes its allies react, in order for USA to look inoccent.

141North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 12th 2009, 09:20



Russian Delegate,

North Korea is relieved to know that Russia can be seen as a friendly country. North Korea will look into a method to alter our nuclear program to benefit the most people at one time.

North Korean Delegate,
Tyler Simpson

142North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 12th 2009, 16:43


My apologies for my rude statement delegates,
Delegate of russia, i believe your statement "USA has not learned to share, and therefore makes its allies react, in order for USA to look inoccent." is a matter of opinion, may i remind you that it was not only the United States who decided that North Korea's weapons program was a threat! Remember that resolution 1874 passed under chapter VII of the UN charter, which means more than half of the Security council agreed that NK was a threat, which i have stated before. This resolution passed to make sure that North korea would not be threatening the international security by selling nuclear technology to groups such as al-qaeda, and to serve a a punishment for the nuclear testing. their testing is sending an alarm throughout the global communty, it's not a matter of sharing, but keeping the world safe.
and delegate of NK, you stated that "North Korea will look into a method to alter our nuclear program to benefit the most people at one time." but the delegation of Israel believes that the method that would be most beneficial would be shutting down your nuclear program . . .

143North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 12th 2009, 22:57



May i remind the delegate of Israel, that this is not the opinion of a single person,
but of a whole nation, as a matter of fact the largest nation in the world... this might
affect your judgment... and then again This resolution will be affected by the outcome
of NK's resolution in the Security Council, for if their resolution were to be passed, NK
would have no Nuclear power left...

PS:Israel, think before saying comments about opinion, the Whole UN exists because every nation acts upon its own opinion, so yes... the opinion matters, and it is what causes conflicts, decisions, and even solutions... without it their would be no debate...

144North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 12th 2009, 23:38


Just keep in mind that it is hard to base an opinion off of no facts. while the many countries have REAL reasons to believe that NK is an international threat. opinion keeps all debates going, but if one side has evidence and the other doesn't...
but lets get back to the real argument...

145North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 13th 2009, 11:14



All Delegations,

The North Korean Delegation does still not understand why North Korea is seen as a threat to the international community. Firstly, North Korea has not threated a single country without an instigational statement or act by the threatened nation. Secondly North Korea gave warning of our nuclear tests, which occured in underground test facilities preventing damage to any other nation. Finally to bring back to mind, the United States is the only country to EVER use a nuclear weapon against another country. Why is it that the U.S. is leading the attack against North Korea's nuclear program, and why is the United States trusted while North Korea remains a threat? Because the United States said sorry?!?

May North Korea also remind the Delegate of Israel that although it has not been stated, there is much speculation to suggest that Israel posseses nuclear weapons. Also, Israel is one of the four countries that has yet to sign the NPT! North Korea is not currently abiding by it, but at least North Korea has previously signed it.

North Korean Delegate,
Tyler Simpson

146North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 14th 2009, 02:19



North Korea,
These “instigational” acts or statements you are referring that nations such as South Korea carries out like the searching of North Korean vessels suspected of transporting missile parts don’t give your country the right to threaten any nation by viewing this as an “act of war” when these searches are allowed by security council resolution 1874… NK often views disarmament attempts themselves as “acts of war” when they are merely measures trying to reestablish peace and security around the region. None of these acts justify your country’s belligerent threats.

Secondly, these warnings NK gave about the nuclear tests should not be receiving any type of praise for it would be completely irresponsible if they went about them with out warning the community especially nearby nations. and actually delegate, the fact that the tests are under ground doesn’t mean they don’t impact other nations: some scientists suggest that these testings instigated tremors leading to earthquakes with a magnitude of around 3.6 in South Korea as previously stated in this debate.

In regard to the statement that keeps coming up about the U.S being the only country to have ever used a nuclear weapon against another country… please keep in mind that Truman’s decision to use the little boy and fat man in Japan was for ending world war II quickly in order to prevent a disastrous land invasion and the proliferation of this war, an apology is an understatement, the U.S rebuilt these cities and now holds one of the most strong partnerships with Japan. The U.S nukes were used in a war that was going on … this historical controversial event can’t be compared to the current reasonings about weather North Korea should or should not hold nuclear weaponry. Once again why should NK receive noble acknowledgement or reward for “at least having once signed the NPT” this was countered by the fact that it violated it. Being a signatory of something actually requires the responsibility of keeping to your word and respecting its requirements and guidelines not just entering it and choosing which parts are convenient to follow .

147North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Delegate, please reinterpret some data... November 14th 2009, 11:58



Delegate, the nation of North Korea feels that it is within its complete rights to be againt the searching of its own vessels by randomly chosen nations as defined by the Security Council in a session which the country in question [NK] was not present!

Delegate the magnitude of the earth quakes have made me laugh: A 3! The Richter scale uses a logarithmic progression for the calculation of earth quakes; in simpler terms this means that from a 4 to a 5 there is a ten times difference form 5 - 6 nearly 40 and there on.... A three is hardly even felt!

Delegate, about the destruction of Japan with nukes: Japan was nearly excepting the truce before the dropping of the first bomb. And even then how can it be justified a second bombing when Japan was already formalizing the surrender after the first shot?

We did not fail to comply with the NPT our decision of creating the nukes was made after the separation from the treaty...

Israel, the nation of North Korea would like to known what are these "real facts" that you refer to call us threatening.

148North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 15th 2009, 11:11


delegate of NK, i do believe that i have already stated in this forum the reason to believe why NK is a international threat becuase of the alarm and tensions its sending through the international security.
i believe that the NK has reasons to be against the resolution 1874, but not to declare it as an act of war, whether or not NK was at that session seems nearly irrelevant becuase it was passed by the rest of the council. the security council has every right to pass this resolution under chapter VII of the un charter which NK is a signatory of.
stating that you did not fail to comply to the NPT and that the decision to create nukes was made after the seperation from the treaty is a complete fabrication!
"announcing its intention to withdraw from the NPT after U.S. officials said that Pyongyang had admitted to efforts to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons. Soon thereafter, North Korea kicked out International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors who had been monitoring its nuclear reactors and associated fuel-cycle facilities in Yongbyon to ensure that plutonium was not diverted to weapons purposes."
"The NPT has usually been interpreted as permitting its non-nuclear-weapon members to produce plutonium and highly enriched uranium (HEU) so long as these materials are not later used to make nuclear weapons"
so yes delegate, your country violated the treaty and then left the security council with one day before withdrawal after renewing your withdrawal from 1993.

149North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 16th 2009, 10:09



Israeli Delegate,

The North Korean Delegate has one thing to ask. How can Israel be so involved with defending the NPT and putting down North Korea when Israel itself is not a signatory of the NPT!?!?

North Korean Delegate,
Tyler Simpson

150North Korea's nuclear threat! - Page 6 Empty Re: North Korea's nuclear threat! November 16th 2009, 17:06


dear delegates of North Korea, i was only concerned with the false statement made by the SC of your country when he stated that your country complied to the NPT and only started their weapons programs after the withdrawal, which simply isn't true.
on top of that, the israeli delegate never stated that having nuclear weapons alone was the threat that north korea was making, the real threat it's making has already been debated and discussed.
lastly, i don't see the correlation between israel and North Korea, they are in completly different situations, and israel is definitely not in a position to sympathize with North Korea!

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